How much profit can I expect to make?
14th Street Pizza does not make any profit claims. The amount of sales you generate is based on many variables and may differ according to the market you are operating in. Some variables can include; location, occupancy costs, operating costs, financing costs etc. You can also contact and have a meeting with our existing franchisees to gain a better understanding.
How long does the review process take?
As a rapidly growing national franchise system, 14th Street Pizza reviews and receives several substantial applications in a month. Applications are processed on a first in and first out basis. If your application meets the standard requirements you will be contacted by a representative of 14th Street Pizza and a meeting will be arranged.
Do I need to work in my restaurant?
No. However, each restaurant must have a full-time, qualified, experienced General Manager.
Do you negotiate leases?
No. That is the franchisee's responsibility. Franchisees need to obtain legal advice and counsel regarding all lease negotiations.